Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Best Ways to Spend
Indigenous Peoples’ Day – a day which is gaining popularity recently despite being a long time coming, falls on the October’s second Monday every year. Recently, after the US President Mr. Biden officially recognized this day, the first president to do so, eventually more than twelve states have followed his lead and recognized the day
Plan Your Day Out on Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement
As we head into the autumn season, it’s the festive season for the Jewish people. Back-to-back holy days are on the way – Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, otherwise called the Jewish New Year. Sounds a little foreign, Yom Kippur’s concept is somewhat related to the prevailing customs of some world religions. Like the concept
Best Ways to Commemorate Patriot Day
People of the US observe Patriot Day on September 11, 2001. It serves as a bleak reminder of the horrors unleashed on that day. Almost the entire world witnessed these terror attacks. This special day commemorates the brave ones who lost their lives in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Hijacked passenger flights on this