Gratitude and Love on Thanksgiving Day in New York City
As we head to the end of the year, New York is warming up to welcome the winter season. While doing so, celebrating Thanksgiving, which is around the corner, is the most awaited holiday celebration season in November when family and friends are at your disposal. All the cozy fun, togetherness, gifting, and Turkey gorging

Taking Pride and Celebrating Accomplishments on Veterans Day in New York City
Veterans Day signifies the strength, courage, and sacrifice of American military veterans and the Armed Forces. Originally known as Armistice Day, Veterans Day marked the end of World War I. The first Veterans Day celebration was held in 1947 in Birmingham, Alabama. A World War II veteran called Raymond Weeks organized “National Veterans Day” on

The Ultimate Guide to the Spookiest and Coolest Halloween Events in New York City
The spookiest, yet most anticipated season of the year, Halloween, is here. As October ends, fun, horror, and everything in between will be in high gear. Spooky pumpkins, costume parties, parades, corn mazes, and jump scares highlight New York City’s freaky season. New Yorkers look forward to many events this year, from the Village Halloween