The Countdown Is On
It is December 1st, and there is no denying that the holiday season is in full swing. There is no more holding out for the “right time.” The right time is here and now. December 1st really begins a universal countdown. Once this day hits, time surely seems to whiz right past you. The countdown

‘Tis the (Shopping) Season
The holidays are officially here. What does that mean? Shopping. But on which day do you kick-off your shopping? Black Friday? Small-Business Saturday? Cyber Monday? The amount of named shopping days is starting to get out of hand. Soon there will be a name for every shopping day from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. But with the

Happy Thanksgiving-However You Spend It
First and foremost, a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Whether it is your favorite holiday, or you sit begrudgingly at the kid’s table, or you consider it a display of the evils of imperialistic societies that kill off entire groups of people… There’s pie! Everyone likes pie. That being said, there may not be pie.