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By: Carmel
Posted on: January 4, 2016

It is the first Monday of 2016, and it is the worst kind of Monday. It is the Monday that ushers us back into our routines. This holiday break was gloriously long. Even if it was just the three-day New Year’s Eve weekend, those precious days of relaxation will be sorely missed. Gone are the

Day Two

By: Carmel
Posted on: January 2, 2016

January 2nd, the true start of the year. Now that the traditional January 1st hangovers have subsided, it is time to focus on those goals set forth for the coming year. Gyms will be full, cigarettes will remain on the shelves, as the return to work and post-holiday life begins. Luckily, there is a weekend

10, 9, 8…

By: Carmel
Posted on: December 31, 2015

The countdown is almost complete. There are precious few hours left of 2015, with plenty of toasts already made and consumed to the new year around the world. The old year is now in the past, as the future dawns at midnight. New Year’s Eve is a holiday devoted completely to time. What other night