Does Daylight Really Need Saving?
You may be waking up thinking, how is it November already? Soon enough, the holiday season will be upon us and we will kiss 2015 goodbye. It is hard to believe that we are in the final two months of the year. Temperatures will be dropping, turkeys will be cooked, and snow will be falling sooner

November 1st
November 1st is a highly underrated day. Sure, a lot is happening this weekend in general, in New York specifically, Halloween, Daylight Savings Time, NYC Marathon, and those are all fun and interesting things. November 1st however, is one of the most overlooked, yet equally as fun days for Halloween activity. All across New York

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from Carmel! Now, why is this night different from all other nights you may ask? … No you probably aren’t asking, that’s an entirely different night. Nonetheless, it is still a night with much merriment, frivolity, and, at times, debauchery. Oh, and candy. Can’t forget the candy. It is unfortunate that this occasion